Thursday, July 9, 2009

Home At Last!

Monday was a monumental day for the Stewarts...all 6 of us! I was with Judah by 8 that morning, as usual, and was able to get report from the dr. and see that discharge ball get rollin'! I went home around 11 to get Jared, while a good friend came to stay with the kids; thank you, "Miss Stephie". It was a treat for Jared and I to be able to spend time with Judah together. And it was so exciting to be there for the process of finally getting Judah home. We had lunch in the Childrens cafeteria together - a fun little date. (Another breastfeeding/pumping perk. The NICU gives meal tickets to those moms who are there over a meal time. You won't find me turning down a free meal!) As soon as we went back to Judah's room our nurse was ready to do our final discharge instructions and get us out the door!! Our instructions were definitely a little more involved than the average taking-baby-home instructions, but we got through all of that and were ready to officially "de-hospitalize" our boy! The NG tube came out and the respiratory/heart monitors came off! I felt like I was walking on air as we took him to the van in his car seat. And finally, we were headed home at last!

I'm glad we had the video camera rolling when we got home. Lydia was priceless. It was love at first sight. Once she started loving on him and kissing him, it was all over...and she hasn't quit yet! The boys are enamored, too. Each of the 3 is constantly asking for turns to hold him, kiss him, touch him in any way. They're making up for lost time, and they're doing a great job!

The first 24 hours were overwhelming, but we made it. There's a lot to get used to with Judah. A lot that's new and foreign to us...scary, too. But he's home with us. He's finally in my arms at home where he belongs.

(I tried uploading the video of me "de-hospitalizing" Judah - taking out his feeding tube and monitor cords - but it wouldn't work. I guess you'll just have to imagine!!)


  1. great videos! What a blessing to see....I keep keep keep praying!!!!

  2. Precious boy! Imagining it is one thing, seeing it on video is so much more wonderful! I love Jared's "let's go home, Judah!" Those weren't just everyday words for this little guy ...

    Love in Christ,
