Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Judah, Judah, JUDAH! part V

January 20: He is his brothers' biggest fan

February 1: Still Mommy's Boy

February 3: His Best Friend

February 4: Showing off his writing skills. Yup, that says "Judah"!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Judah, Judah, JUDAH! part IV

October: family day at Vala's

October: Happy Halloween! (Judah was Ollie Puppy)


December: 1st batch of cookies (he picked snowmen)


January 2014: 1st time in the snow...ever!

Judah, Judah, JUDAH! part III

August: got a new Buddy while Dad & Eli were at YFCamp

August: celebrated a birthday & an anniversary in WI

August: back to school & his favorite teacher

September: eye muscle surgery

Judah, Judah, JUDAH! part II

June: Happy 4th Birthday! 

June: visiting cousins in Enid, OK


July: 1st fair ride

Judah, Judah, JUDAH! part I

As promised, here is Judah's Pictorial Year in Review!

Christmas 2012

January 2013

March: IMAX at the Zoo

Easter 2013