Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another First

Well since I'm journaling so that I can remember this incredible journey God took us on several years from now, I decided I should jot down another 1st we experienced with this 4th child. Yesterday evening I had 8 contractions in about 50 minutes. Gave me a little bit of a scare. I had had more contractions throughout the day than I usually do (which is usually quite a few), and a couple that even made my low back ache (I've only had 1 in a day a handful of times up to this point), so when I hit that 6th one in less than an hour I had my midwife paged. By the time she called I had hit #8. Thankfully the "cure" was mostly pleasant. Besides having to drink basically a day's worth of water before I went to bed, which in turn made the rest of the evening busy with trips to the bathroom - joy - I was ordered to relax in a hot bath! It took about an hour for the contractions to really slow down and subside, but they were much easier to tolerate while relaxing in a tub full of hot water and bubbles! And, no, they don't normally hurt. Just that somewhat irritating tightening or mild discomfort. Today I've had about the usual amount of contractions, but I'm exhausted and not feeling that great. Makes me wonder what "drama" awaits in the next 5-8 weeks before we finally meet Judah!

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