I'm not even sure where to begin. I still have videos I want to post, pictures, thoughts, what God's been doing in my life... How to get it all down? An abbreviated version for now, I guess.
Judah is doing so well! Since getting over his Bronchial RSV he's been healthy. I think that the daily Pulmicort (an inhaled steroid we use to keep his lungs open and prevent upper respiratory problems) is making the difference. He's still eating well. I keep waiting for him to just stop and then go backwards. To just decide that he's not going to eat after all. But I think he's too fond of macaroni and cheese...with avocado and sour cream:) Speaking of which, we saw his
Endocrinologist on Tuesday. I was eager to see how much Judah had grown in the last 3 months, especially with the 2 week lapse in growth hormone. And he hadn't been weighed in about a month, so I was wondering how his weight gain was coming. He grew 2 3/4 in. and is now 18 1/2 lbs! He's in 6-9/9 mo. clothes, and is definitely on his way to catching up with his peers. OK, so it'll be awhile before he's actually the size he should be for his age, but he'll get there. His
therapy is going really well, too! We just love his ladies and their care for him, as well as their creativity, resourcefulness, and patience. Judah's 6 month IFSP review is coming up next month, so we were talking about goals he's met and new ones we want to add for the next 6 months. His OT is confident that within the next 6 months he'll be crawling! As it is, he has fine-tuned his current scoot, making it more effective and FAST! That little one can get anywhere he wants to...including pushing his brothers' bedroom door open and scooting in there. He instinctively knows that there are colorful, exciting, tiny little things in there that he should not have, and he wants them! His PT was here this week, and Judah showed huuuge improvement in weight-bearing. She got him up on his feet quickly (up to that day Little Stinker would make like a wet noodle and really make her work for it) and he spent several minutes standing with her. So long,
in fact, that he didn't have to go in his stander that day! Then, before my very eyes, she had him taking little steps! I've still gotta get video of it, but I've gotten him to take steps to Daddy, and even "Auntie" last night! I can't even put into words the thrill I feel when I see him taking steps...even as supported as they are. It is a huge accomplishment! And another reminder that no one can tell us that Judah won't or can't do something. He's going to reach every milestone that God has ordained for him, and we are going to help him get there!
The palate repair has been pushed back to April to allow the scar tissue in his mouth to heal and soften more thoroughly. I have no problem putting it off. I still struggle emotionally and mentally with this revision, so quite honestly, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it just yet. And then we also put off possibly finding out that he's going to aspirate even after the repair. I don't know what to do with the possibility that the repair might not fix the aspirating...so, I have a little more time to not think about that, too. I know, not the healthiest way to deal with things, but it is what it is right now.
The growth hormone is still in process. I was just on the phone with the doctor's office again yesterday, and I think we're finally closing in on the resolution. I have 2 weeks worth of medication left in the interim pen we got from the manufacturer, so hopefully this will be resolved by the time we run out. Again. Speaking of meds, we went to pick up his hydro cortisone the other day (the drug that basically keeps him alive) and were told that Medicaid no longer covers any ingredients in that drug. Hm. Still waiting for a call back from our new case worker...who will be hearing from me again on Monday:) Oh the joys of insurance and expensive, life-sustaining medication!
Today is a big day for us. We're praying about building. God has done a major transformation in my heart, and I am dying to get out to our MW school district to be near "our kids"! That's a long story in and of itself. One that's on my list to post about...eventually. Anyway, we're praying about building so that we can get the house that will meet our needs, as well as those of my parents when they move out here to live with us in a couple years. Oh ya, the big day. Today we're looking at 3 Hearthstone models! And we're also looking at building in the same neighborhood some great friends live in...which just happens to be in the exact location that Jared wanted to land. West of 150th and South of Q. We also need to look at carpet stuff today, because we're replacing ours before we put it back on the market. And we're watching "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" with our kids this morning, since we just finished reading it. Wow, we have a busy day planned. I'd better sign off.
If you think of it, pray for us! There are big, big decisions in our very near future, and our biggest desire is to follow God. Thanks!
Hey Bethany! Wow Judah looks so big in the pictures! And he's come such a long way, and you guys have too, it sounds! It's exciting you are maybe moving and building, I hope that really works out for you. We are doing well, Dennis is working part-time, and we are in a house that is rent-free for a year. God is supplying all our needs, we are still looking to him for ministry placement. Love reading your blog!