Monday, December 12, 2011

Boys Town Procedure

Judah and I were headed to Boys Town this morning at 5 AM! I. Am. Tired. BUT everything went smoothly during Judah's surgery & ABR test. The surgeon expected to find nasal, non-bacterial mucous in Judah's ears since he showed no sign of infection. He doesn't know Judah. Little Lion's ears are full of infection and inflammation. Oh, how I love the mysteries of my a-symptomatic son. The dr. cleaned him up and got the new tubes in without a hitch! The ABR results were a surprise. They expected to find moderate hearing loss because of the inflammation in his ears, the thickness of the ear drums due to infection, and the drops that the dr. used when he replaced the tubes; however, the results showed MILD hearing loss. Meaning, once Judah's ears are healthy again in a couple of weeks this should improve. We'll try another hearing test sometime down the road, possibly another ABR; but we expect him to be fine. Without any improvement he would need hearing aids...but we're not going there, because he'll be just fine.

It was really weird being somewhere else for this procedure, but at least there were no hiccups, and we didn't have to be there long. We were home by 10:30 this morning:)

Thanks so much for praying!!! I'm constantly blessed and encouraged and humbled by the sheer volume of prayers that are brought before the Throne on his/our behalf!

P.S. I love Children's.

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