Our Little Lion made it through his 1st morning at summer school, his 1st van ride home, and is now sleeping soundly! We left the house at 10:10 this morning to get Judah to school on time. I feared that I was going to hyperventilate on the way there, but I made it without incident. Lots of deep breathing. Holding Jared's hand. Texting my "support group". Finally, we made it & we ALL got out of the van to take him to the entrance of the school. ALL of his siblings AND Daddy gave him big squeeze hugs and kisses before Mom walked him inside. His OT met us at the outside door, which was awesome, and she & I walked Judah down the hall and to his hook to hang up his backpack. As soon as I actually took him into his room he let go of my hand and hit the floor to explore. He found some toys right away, a table he could reach and stand up next to, and the plastic bin containing the song cards for circle time. That boy loves his song cards! He gave me a kiss good-bye, but he didn't even look at me as I stood up to leave...and he certainly didn't turn around to look for me after I walked out the door. I checked. He looked so adorable in that room, crawling around, exploring, a look of wonder on his face as he took in his new surroundings.
Judah's OT sent me this short video during school time, and texted me later to tell me that he had done GREAT & he was on his way home! I love her.
We were ALL waiting on the front porch for Judah's van to pull up. My heart broke when I saw him through the window, crying inconsolably. I grabbed him as soon as I could and just about squeezed the tears right out of him! His driver said he didn't like the stops, but did fine as long as she was driving. His van rides are now at the top of my prayer list.
He got plenty of snuggles and hugs as soon as he got home; lunch, and then off to bed. I imagine he'll be taking a nice, long nap today!
Judah's backpack full of non-school supplies. At least it's lightweight!
Has there ever been a cuter preschooler?
He gave me lots of lovins before we left. Smart boy.
He made himself right at home!
Did I not say I got the PERFECT backpack?!
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