Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I just couldn't wait...

...any longer to get this down! I'm so way behind on my posts, but I just got my "new" computer all set up today (thank you, thank you, so, so much Mr. & Mrs. Gus!!!), and I was going to do everything in order. I have posts written in a notebook, and then there's all the things I want to say about how Judah is doing lately - which is FANTASTIC (well, developmentally...not really physically so much since he's just getting over RSV Bronchialitis...which did NOT land him in the hospital like the other 2 bouts with it did - PTL!!), but I just can't wait any longer before getting this wonderful-ness down on "paper"! Judah. Ate. Two. Full. Meals. Today. Orally. Without any supplementing through his button. DO YOU KNOW HOW WONDERFUL THAT IS?!?!?! 10 months ago Judah got an NG tube, because he was no longer eating what he needed to on his own. Today is the first day in 10 months that he has eaten an entire meal all on his own...and he did it TWICE! That's over 400 calories that he chewed and swallowed! Which means that I haven't given him any nutrition through his G Button...except for water. The child needs LOTS of water. Anyway, like I said, I just couldn't NOT say anything about this any longer. Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! Seriously, Lord, THANK YOU! OK, let the tears of joy commence!:)


  1. Praising God with you! Love ya...

  2. Oh Sweetie, how our God's awesomeness spills out in such little ways, 2 meals for this growing boy. Praise Him, indeed. Again and again!!! Give him a kiss from Aunt Kamille.

  3. woo......hoo!

  4. Praising the Lord with you Bethany...praying Judah continues to eat like a little lion. Love you guys.


  5. This is amazing!!! So excited!

