Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

We've wanted to participate in this amazing ministry to children for the last couple of years, but have never been financially prepared. Last year at Christmastime we got smart. Instead of financing a family date, we decided to use our annual can-collecting money for shoe boxes instead. We had just started re-collecting again after cashing in cans in August, so we had another year to add to that collection. Eli took that on as his own personal project, but we all helped throughout the next 11 months. Finally, just last week, we were ready to cash 'em in and go shopping! Thanks to Groupon, we got to go out for pizza and make it a fun family date night after all! Funny story: our multiple H-U-G-E bags F-U-L-L of cans got us a whopping $4.35. But the money that came out of our own pockets was well worth the entire experience. The kids each had fun picking out items for their boxes. It was cool for Jared & I to see our kids get excited about giving, and also take ownership of "their" kids! Lydia has been calling the girl that will get her box her "little girlfriend". We also decided to have each of the kids send along a personal note and picture. (I'm secretly praying that they will hear back from their new "friends", but we'll see.) I will forever hold on to a copy of each letter:) It was special for me to pack the boxes with the kids; and both Jared and I were excited with them as they each carried their box into church on Sunday. I'm already looking forward to doing this again next year. The lessons in generosity, love, compassion, and grace that are involved in a project like this are priceless; and I'm also praying that they're lessons my kids will learn well and carry with them into adulthood.

Merry Christmas!

Eli's Letter:
Hi! My name is Eli. I am from Nebraska, in the U.S. I'm eight years old. I'm in third grade. I like to draw, eat, and build legos. I got you some Hot Wheel cars, a pad with paper, markers, crayons, and more. I hope you like them. I have two more brothers, Ezra and Judah. And a sister, Lydia. I also have a mom and dad. Please send a note back here.


Ezra's Letter: (The first 4 sentences he wrote by himself while I spelled out the words. Then he decided that was too much work & I could write out the rest for him!)
Hi mY Name is Ezra. I am 5. I like to pLay Basketball aNd Football. I hope You Like Your box. I hope you like this note. I'm very glad that I can send this shoe box gift to you. This picture is of me, my two brothers, and my dad. The one in the orange shirt is Eli. The one on my dad's lap is Judah. I also have a mom and sister, Lydia. I put some really cool things in your shoebox. Please send me a note. Merry Christmas!


Lydia's Letter: (The only thing I helped her with was where she lives.)
My name is Lydia. I love you very much. I sent you a piggy. I hope you like your presents. I picked them out for you. This is my baby brother Judah. [She included a picture of herself holding Judah...of course!] I have 2 big brothers Elijah and Ezra. I live in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. I like to play with my toy ponies. I love my mommy's soup. I got you a new toothbrush and your own toothpaste. I like to drink milk. My favorite color is pink. Merry Christmas!

Lydia Stewart

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