Monday, October 5, 2009

Kidney Follw-up

A little over a month ago I requested most of Judah's medical records from Childrens so I could have that stuff on file. I wanted his EKGs, EEGs, MRIs, lab results, and other reports from doctors & specialists that saw him so I could have a more complete medical history. I also thought it might come in handy to keep up with this stuff as we go along, since we see so many different specialists. Not sure this was one of my better ideas. First off, the records they sent me - just the ones I asked for, not even everything - was 135 pages long. Second, I just don't think I can keep up with everything. There are too many appts. and labs. If a doctor wants something, they can ask another doctor for it. There. I'll try to keep track of the bigger things. Anyway, as I was reading the report from the nephrologist, I discovered a very unpleasant surprise. It shouldn't have been a surprise. The very first line of the report said that the doctor discussed this with me...I just have no recollection of this conversation or diagnosis. Judah has chronic kidney disease. A little more complicated than the "fixable" kidney issues he has as well. So, he'll be followed up on a regular basis to make sure that his kidneys are functioning well enough to keep up with his growing body, and to make sure that they're actually growing. Thankfully, unless he ends up with an infection, we don't have to see this dr. for another year now; and the urologist will also follow up in February. So, this new information has added another dimension to what Judah faces in the future, both near and distant. Right now, thank You Jesus, Judah's kidneys look o.k. On ultrasound there was actually some improvement since she saw him in the NICU. They are underdeveloped, they don't function at 100%, and they are deformed, but they're working right now:) He had a high white cell count in his urine, which is a sign of infection. Since he's not symptomatic, she said it could be just a minor lower tract infection. My prayer is that it's nothing. I know God can wipe out a matter of a few extra cells. No problem. So that's one of my prayers right now. As long as Judah is infection-free we don't have to think about a repair surgery until he's 5. (That would be for the reflux, not the disease.) Anyway, the other concern she had was the low glucose level in his blood. Not sure where this is coming from, because his hormone replacement should be taking care of those levels as well. She said this could be an indicator for a metabolic problem...not even gonna go there right now. She's sending her report to the pediatrician who we see on Thursday. I may have to start checking his glucose levels on a regular basis for awhile. We'll see what Dr. A. says. So, today brought good and not so good news. BUT GOD... God knit Judah together and knows him intimately. He knows every "weakness" that Judah's body has, and He is able to either bring healing or sustain Judah (and us) through anything he faces. And of course there will be a day when He brings perfect healing for Judah's body. What a day that will be! For now I rest in the truth that God is in control and has ordained every single day of Judah's life, whatever that may look like with his significant diagnoses. Every day is a gift, because Judah is a gift. Speaking of which...some little one is hungry...

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