Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guess who's GROWING??

I was going to save that wonderful piece of news for the end of this post, but I just couldn't wait! We saw Endocrinology yesterday, and the dr. was very pleased to see that Judah has grown TWO inches in four months!!! He is 25 1/2 inches long, and growing! I knew he had to have started growing - finally - because his little feet are at the edge of his infant carseat - finally! That's the best news we got yesterday, but the entire visit was a positive one:) If Judah's growth hormone levels come back at a certain marker, the dr. will increase his dose, because he wants him to be able to catch up faster. Judah is also showing growth and signs of improvement in his...little boy...area. That's good news, because that means that there are no tests or extra blood work to run right now, which is something we had talked about in August. We're in a "watch" phase right now. Finally, depending on Judah's blood work, we may be able to switch from the liquid form of Sinthroid to pill form. I could crush the pill and feed it to him through his tube. This is good news, because then I wouldn't be at Walgreens every 7 days to pick up this prescription - it's a 30 day:)

Lord, thank YOU for Your amazing care of Judah, for Your lovingkindness, and for Your grace! God, for some reason You have created Judah with illnesses, but in the midst of that You have gifted him with good health, growth, progress, and amazing healthcare and service providers. God, You are good. All the time. No matter what. Thanks for Judah!


  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! Praise you, Jesus!!!!!!

  2. wooooohoooooo! How exciting for you all! Grow Judah grow! Crossing fingers for good test results!
