Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Super Bowl must be inspiring to my little champ because he reached another milestone during the game! I had him lying on the couch waiting for new pajamas, and he started kicking his feet more. Lo and behold, next time I looked at him he had found his himself...and he could reach and grab his toes!! Never thought I'd be celebrating an 8 month old finding his toes, but celebrate I will! Good job, Champ!!


  1. Go Judah! Look how big he is getting!! Enjoy the milestones! They are even more exciting for our special little ones! They are reason to celebrate!

  2. Look at his roly poly cuteness! I can't believe how big he's getting. Yeah, Judah! Congrats on finding your toes. May they entertain you for many months to come! :) Celebrating the big & little things with, Aims

  3. I love this! And I love his little chubby legs (: Go Judah! and go mommy!
