Other than all this feeding drama... Judah's been doing great! He's so smiley and content to let anybody hold him. He definitely lets you know when he wants
Mom back, though! As soon as I put him down on the floor or bed he's reaching for his toes and rolling from side to side. I'm so proud of him! Our new goal is to roll over before little cousin Avery;) Lately I've been trying to consciously take time to just enjoy Judah. Not think about therapeutic play, or what appointment is next...just play and enjoy him for who he is. He's so jolly and rewards the least of my efforts with big smiles & giggles. I'm so thankful for this precious little one that God entrusted to us. I'm humbled that God would create a little person so uniquely knit together, and then give him to me! I'm so inadequate, but reminded again and again that God has equipped me to do what He has called me to do. It's Christ in me that can walk in faith, seeing God accomplish and perform what He will in Judah's life, and in mine & my family's. This is so hard. Every day there's HARD, BUT GOD... Again I praise Him for His lovingkindness, His faithfulness, His grace, and His compassion.
My cousin, whom I love dearly & adore completely, sent me a letter today with a sweet interpretation of Psalm 50. David basically pours his heart out about his failures & what he's struggling with, how hard it is & how horrible it feels, and then he goes into his BUT GOD...
"And yet, O Lord, You have surrounded my life like a great fortress. There is nothing that can touch me save by Your loving permission. My faith will falter at times, but You will never fail me. Teach me, O God, how to live by Your Word and promises, to sing Your praises, to carry on within Your purposes in spite of these taunting, tempting enemies of my soul." [emphasis mine]
ok...so my mommy brain was reading your post and instead of reading "aspirating", i was reading it "aspiring"...and isn't that just what we all are doing!? "Aspiring" for what God wants from our lives? so i thought maybe you could get a little laugh out of my reading ineptness! have a great day! love you guys!
ReplyDeleteI love you, girl. I am hanging to the promises of those verses today.