Saturday, September 12, 2009

Time for a new ride...

It's official. We need a new van. We've been joking for over a year now that our van has cancer. This thing has been supernaturally protected for 5 years! We've put 110,000 miles on it, and have had no major problems. Just normal wear and tear. No more! Jared has taken it in for the last time...I think. The belt falls off. When he took it in to get it fixed again (thanks to the guys at Walker who haven't even charged us the last 2 times they've put it back on - donuts to be delivered to you on Monday morning!) they said it was time to get a new What does this have to do with Judah...or this journey God is leading us on? Kind of everything. Can't take very good care of Judah if I can't get him to his appointments. Scary, yes. BUT GOD... I'm not even worried about it. (Well, anymore. In all honesty, I was a little discouraged last night. God worked pretty fast in me this time around!) God knew this day was coming; and I believe He has already set into place a means of providing a new van for us. I'm not exactly sure how it will all work out. I am totally sure, though, that the van we end up with will be a direct and perfect provision from the Lord! We have no way of making this happen for ourselves. It will be God guiding us to the right van, and providing the funds needed to buy it. It's another opportunity for us to trust Him and practice total dependence on Him! He knows our needs even better than we do. And I am confident that He delights in meeting those needs for His children! So, what could be another stressor or reason to be discouraged or frustrated, is turning out to be a pretty cool situation to be in. Another chance to see God work in ways that are totally beyond us! And just so no one is confused, let me just say again (because it's been awhile), that this whole attitude and perspective is NOT me! This is Christ in me; giving me confidence and assurance, and encouraging me. He continues to draw me to Himself. Another lesson in total dependence is a great way to do it!

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